The UTC opens the doors to 5 of its 8 research laboratories

This year, AGRITECH DAY offers you an exclusive tour of the research laboratories.

The innovation center is a special place, a melting pot of creativity, hosting training, research and development activities in support of innovation, and bringing together multi-disciplinary skills and innovation players. Providing work rooms, technological platforms and state-of-the-art equipment, the innovation center is a space for “creative contamination”, playing a major role in transforming new ideas into innovations.

Visit info

UTC Innovation center

57 av de Landshut
60 200 Compiègne

UTC Innovation center

57 av de Landshut
60 200 Compiègne


Octobre 23, 2024 from 2pm


Octobre 23, 2024 from 2pm

Access Conditions

Visit upon registration and reserved for AGRITECH DAY participants

Access Conditions

Visit upon registration and reserved for AGRITECH DAY participants

UTC visit program

Integrated Transformations of Renewable Materials Laboratory

The joint research unit Transformations Intégrées de la Matière Renouvelable (TIMR UTC-ESCOM) aims to develop, validate and implement knowledge and know-how for renewable material transformation processes and reactions.

Agro-Industry Platform

Dedicated to the mastery of extraction/purification and preservation processes for agro-resources, and in particular to the implementation of non-conventional physical transformations.

Virtual Reality Platform

TRANSLIFE is an immersive virtual reality room dedicated to research in the field of informed interaction. It features a four-sided Ce CAVE™ (Cave Automated Virtual Environment) that can be opened to become a 3-sided one.


A place for making objects and sharing knowledge. With four workshops: mechanical, electronic, CAD and Fabadditive, it enables “rapid prototyping” of physical mechanical/electronic/connected objects. It supports innovative projects, some of which are at the heart of student-initiated start-ups.


The aim of the Hydraulics-Mechatronics Chair is to provide high-level specialized training in hydraulic power transmission. The test platform welcomes young graduate engineers in incubator mode on various research projects in collaboration with manufacturers of hydraulic components and integrators.
The electrification of mobile machines and new applications for hydraulics are among the most topical subjects.

Access the UTC

research center